Wall Panel Calculator
How to Use
Firstly, select the panel that you are looking to buy from the drop-down list, if you are unsure, you will find the size of the product in its description. Once you have the correct panel measurement selected, you will need to add in your height and width measurements for your walls you will be paneling.
Wall 1 2400mm x 900
Wall 2 2500mm x 700
Wall 3 2400mm x 500
= Height 2500 x Width 2100 (width of all walls combined)
Clicking "calculate" will give you the maximum amount of panels or packs that you need.
Please Note:
- This application only accepts "mm" Measurements should you have your sizes in a different unit you can use our online converter...
- For any places that you will not be paneling for example windows and doors, remove these from your measurements. This application will provide you with the maximum you need
- If you are only paneling half the way up your wall, you may still need the same number of boards to ensure the pattern is correct. Should you be using a plain board please contact us to work out your sizes
